We collected Tweets about Covid-19 from Türkiye and we will use these tweets to analyze networks and information spread during the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. We are using natural language processing tools and topic modeling to understand issues and themes that were prominent in online discussions.

Our goal is to use social media data to analyze in detail how prominent issue topics have changed over time and investigate how social media use is linked to perceptions about Covid-19.

Below are a few graphs summarizing emotions in Tweets about COVID-19. The analysis was conducted using the Turkish Emotion Lexicon (TEL) developed by Toçoğlu and Alpkoçak (2019).


Toçoglu, M. A., & Alpkoçak, A. (2019). Lexicon-based emotion analysis in Turkish. Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 27, 1213–1227.