For each wave of data collection, we aim to content analyze 5 newspapers. The newspapers for analysis were selected from a list of 10 national newspapers with the highest circulation (for readers not familiar with Turkish media, we should note that the circulation numbers in Türkiye are dubious). We used probability in proportion to size (average daily circulation) sampling to select the following newspapers: 

  1. Sözcü
  2. Hürriyet
  3. Sabah
  4. Türkiye
  5. Yeni Şafak

In each wave, we analyze the COVID-19 related content of these newspapers for 10 days. For each newspaper, all first-page articles and three randomly selected articles from the rest of the newspaper are analyzed.

A copy of the coding book (in Turkish) is available here.

Acknowledgement: Vahdet Mesut Ayan and Mustafa Aksoy’s report, based on a non-systematic analysis of the COVID-19 related content in the Turkish press has been a very valuable resource for our efforts in determining the coding categories for this study.


The full report for the project has been submitted to the funding agency, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) the end of 2020. Once the report is published by TUBITAK, we will share the report (in Turkish) on this site. Until then, below are some key descriptive summaries from the content analysis of newspapers: