We employ a rolling cross-section design to track aggregate shifts that happen over time in relation to COVID-19. In each wave, we administer a questionnaire to an online sample of 750 Turkish participants. While the sample is not representative of the Turkish population, we employ quota sampling to reflect the Turkish population in terms of age, gender, education level and Twitter use. The questionnaire lasts approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

In addition to a question modules on media consumption, COVID-19 risk perceptions, personality, each wave contains a different preregistered survey-experiment related to perceptions about COVID-19. Experiments were preregistered at Aspredicted of the Wharton School of Business Credibility Lab at the University of Pennsylvania.

For further information, please see the sections for each wave.

Questionnaire Forms

  • For a copy of the questionnaire (in Turkish), please click here

For a copy of the questionnaire (in Turkish), please click here

  • For a copy of the questionnaire (in Turkish), please click here
  • For a copy of the questionnaire (in Turkish), please click here
  • For a copy of the questionnaire (in Turkish), please click here


 The full report for the project has been submitted to the funding agency, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) the end of 2020. Once the report is published by TUBITAK, we will share the report (in Turkish) on this site. Until then, below are some key descriptive summaries from the surveys: